Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Today I took part again in my favorite pastime, writing a letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune. This one read:

Dear Editor,
I can understand why the Iraqi Sunni's are willing to put their lifeon the line to free Iraq from the American charade of Democracy:

They've lost the right to minority rule.
They've lost the right to funnel the country's money into their own hands.
They've lost the right to use the police force to intimidate theopposition into submission.
They've lost the right to torture, rape and kill their fellow citizens.

I see why the insurgents are fighting for Iraqi independence. I justdon't understand why our own compassionate liberal Americans aren'twilling to fight for their rights as well.

I send these off every so often, for issues ranging from sports to architecture to foreign affairs. I have an opinion on everything. And often some clever way with expressing words. So why not share it?

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