Thursday, March 03, 2005
The Chicago Tribune's article on the online response by Neo-Nazi's to Judge Lefkow's family's murder features an interesting juxtaposition of views. On one hand, the xenophobes praise the murderer and revel in his actions. At the sametime, they vehemently deny any involvement by followers of Matt Hale, theNeo-Nazi leader convicted of soliciting the Judge's murder, and decry any government insinuation that the two events are tied. What I don't understand is why they are so quick to distance themselves from claiming responsibility for the action they support. Then again, these are the same people that call for the death's of minorities and yet deny the holocaust. If they call Adolf Hitler their hero, and yet are the only ones to state that he utterly failedin his goal, then why should we be suprised that they declare that Matt Hale is likewise a failure? It makes no sense, but apparently denying truth is essential to these true bottom-crawlers of society.