Sunday, March 06, 2005

A new low...

Spent all day today dying for something to do. This mainly took the form of sifting through Onlysimchas. What an interesting phenomenon. I have to better way to keep in touch with my friends in New York and other communities. On one website, I can read about the latest who's getting engaged, as well as see pictures of my friends. Of course, I'd be lying if I just said I was keeping up on my friends. A huge portion of my time is spent checking out the other options...namely the single female population. Sometimes a fool myself into thinking that I could theoretically find somebody interesting just from browsing, and I could ask somebody from that simcha to help set it up. But who am I kidding. It's just Kosher porn. Girls who spend way too much time primping themselves in anticipation of their half a picture online. There's definitely something wrong with the whole thing. But yet I have such precious little human contact without it.

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