Sunday, April 17, 2005

Some More Reaction

I sent in the following letter to the editor of Hadassah Magazine:

Dear Editor,

I was somewhat shocked to read the title of a recent article in your April issue, "Samaritans: A Branch of the Family." While it is always interesting to read about groups with similar roots to our own, considering the Samaritans our brothers severely distorts reality. They are, in fact, not much different than Jews for Jesus - a people with deceptively similar beliefs, but who in fact practice absolutely distinct religions. While the author waxes nostalgic about the authentic feel of Samaritan practices, Judaism actually shares little more in common with the rituals she observed than any other pagan sacrificial ritual.

Hopefully, the author, and Hadassah magazine, could do more to connect us to the myriad of meaningful rituals associated with our own faith. Judaism is full of diverse ways of worship in both ancient and modern ritual. Articles bringing that breadth to the reader would do a much greater service to your audience.

How does "ani shema" mean "I am your G-d"?!
I completely agree with your post; I hope they respectfully contemplate your request.
The best part is - I dated a girl on the magazines masthead. I was thinking of tactful ways to say -"Send my regards to my Ex. And let her see how smart and well read I am."
I think they did an article a while back on Israeli female guards. It was basically chicks with guns. Ah, I miss that magazine.
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