Monday, May 09, 2005

Bitter Pills

I've been carrying a bit of a cold for the past three weeks. I finally broke down and saw a doctor. However, as doctors are wont to do, he started me on some meds. Unfortunately for me, as with most meds, these were the swallowing kind. I don't do pills. Can't swallow them for the life of me. Most of the time I get the kid's version, some liquid, or just chew the thing.

I've tried swallowing 'em. Drank enough water to drown a chicken. And the thing is just sitting there. So rather than just have the bitterness dissolve on my tongue, I bite the bullet and just get rid of it. I could sit there staring at the thing for half an hour. But it's me vs. the pill, and that thing just won't back down.

But I've faught it this time, and have been mostly successful. Of the last five days, I've swallowed it whole three times, with only one of the bites intentional. I found that if I eat it with cookies, I can't tell the difference between the chocolate chips and the pills, and if all goes well, it goes down in one lump.

But I'm still congested.

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