Sunday, July 31, 2005

Emotional High?

I was at shul tonight, and the Rabbi wasn't there to give his 30 second Dvar Torah. Usually, we just say Tehillim to make up the gap between Mincha and Maariv, but tonight even after saying that, we still had extra time before sunset. Just as everybody was settling into their shmooze mode to kill time, one of the Rabbi's from the Lakewood Kollel next store got up at the Bima and just started giving a 30 second Dvar Torah. I was touched. The Dvar Torah wasn't especially deep, but I was really enthralled. I don't know if it was the fact that he was so concerned that the congregation should sit around doing nothing for 30 seconds when it could be learning, or if it was that he was so easily able to pull a Dvar Torah out of nowhere with no advance notice, but I literally was starting to choke up with emotion as he was talking. I think I just feel like a failure for not being able to do what he did myself.

Either way, I have to get off the estrogen pills.

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