Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Buffet of Jewish Life

Yeshiva University has released a newly completed survey of Jewish attitudes in America and Israel on a wide array of subjects.

While most of the results show fairly predictable attitudes towards both American and Israeli politics, I found some interesting statistics revealed regarding Jewish perspectives of Judaism. There is approximately a 3% margin of error.

-How proud of you of being Jewish? While 100% of American Orthodox Jews said they were at least somewhat proud, only 95% of Israeli Charedi Jews could say the same.
-Only 94% of American Orthodox Jews and 93% of Israeli Charedi Jews said they kept a fully Kosher home.
-Unlike their American counterparts, more Israeli Charedi Jews said they keep Kosher outside their home than in.
-Only 55% of American Orthodox Jews and 87% of Israeli Charedi Jews said they strongly agree that you have to strictly obey Jewish law to be a good Jew.

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