Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Profaning Sex

There's an ongoing culture war over sex. Right, no news there. Polarizing pundits do such a great job burying the war over sex with other symbols, such as abortion, women's rights, and homosexual marriage. But for all the foolish people out there researching the pros and cons of each of these debates, stop wasting your time. You can never convince people of an acceptable abortion compromise. Simply put, it's because the battle isn't over abortion, regardless of what they say- it's over sex.

Sex not only defines us as a culture, but as individuals. In a very literal sense, it is the foundation of our physical and emotional selves. So, quite obviously, the stakes are high. But in attempting to keep the troops focused on the front lines, few have been willing to admit to what they are really fighting for...the continution of a moral society.

Sex is the most Gd-like act. As any parent can attest to, it is the sole time a human can understand what "creation" is. Only when parenting can a person look at something with the closest reaction possible to how Gd looked upon this world after the 7 days of creation.

And yet there are those who would like to make sex the most base act possible. Not only should it not be committed to an act of love, faith or trust, but it should be lowered to the fullfillment of animal desires. This most potentate of all acts becomes a waste of the seed that could have been planted, and ends as death, in the dehumanifying of a possible newborn. This is the "Sexual Revolution" that "birth control" has enabled.

I'm not saying that those advocating a loosening of the sexual reigns are devil worshipping heathens. Far from it, most are committed to improving the physcial lot of man. And this is the core of the battle- is man's future safeguarded by following his mind or his body? The mind is the most complex and creative function of man, but also his coldest. The body is the most transparent, shortsighted component, but is also the warmest. Should man think or should man feel?

Whatever arguments are used to couch the debate, the end of the issue is the future of our society. For whether in its most exalted encounter a civilization looks to achieve the level of Gd or to act like its animal relatives bespeaks the morality of that society. We can hope to mimic all of the sophistication that the rest of the Animal Kingdom has acheived, or we can do our utmost to utilize the divine wisdom that resides in the world order to create a better life for all humankind.

Drop the pretense and grab a weapon. I've chosen the pen.

Do you mean that sex with birth control is any less divine? Does G-d stay out because this is no act of "creation"? That's how I understood you, would you mind clarifying?
Very , very well written Josh. Like I have told you on past occasions , its a waste for it to be just a blog. You should write professionally and put all your articles into a book..
absolutely brilliant.
much agreed regarding the creation of a child being the only time a human can have any understanding of creation. i guess that's what makes it truly a miracle. after all, man was made in the image of G*d, and so maybe this is the way in which we can emulate Him, in terms of giving life.
JYRA - I don't think I thanked you yet for identifying yourself.

Sara - Your deserved question reminds me of a news story I read a few years ago. A "birth control" device was created that had the "Hechsher" of the Catholic Church. It was a urine test that turned red when a woman was likely to get pregnant and green when she wasn't.

What took me by surprise at the time wasn't the means of birth control used, but the implication. Why was red when a woman could have a baby? In my mind, this should have been green- the "go" should be to tell her that she can procreate. If she elects to use this time to "plan" her parenthood, that's understandable. But the implication is that the goal is NOT to have a baby.

And this is the root of my statement. It is not whether you have a baby or not. It is whether having a baby is treated as an unwanted byproduct to sex, or whether sex is part of building a larger relationship. Isn't that what makes sex a creative act?
Josh - I'm not sure what you said, but I really like the way it was written. :)
There really is a lot going on behind that coffee cup, isn't there?
color favouritism nor your proposed thermodynamics of the physical body impress or fool me - they lack any argument and reside on your emotional feelings towards these issues.

"waste seed"? i'm not sure you understand the meaning of sex in judaism if this is truly your belief (--or maybe I don't, but entertain my thoughts--). first you propose that physical death is a "bad" thing: is human death bad or is it simply a continuation of the purpose for our soul to enter heaven? second, you also propose it is a waste: does Ber 1:28 not say to be fruitful (yes it says multiply, but realize the meaning of putting the word "fruitful" there - HaShem call us to enjoy life, which my friend includes sex).

G-d didn't give you a penis and lots of built-in emotional networking to NOT have sex, and as far as I know neither the Torah or Talmud forbid sex outside of procreation... The Torah (clearly after looking closely) teaches that emotion is not enough for relationships or sex but commitment is necessary (not procreation!) Notice how the Torah merely alludes to certain things, but does not dictate it - for instance honoring thy parents is a law, but loving them is not. Also notice how the Talmud mentions if you have murderous tendencies to become a butcher - does the Talmud suggest anything for those of us who have a penis and want to use it to enjoy life at times with women we have a commitment to for some time? I'm rambling.

You've written well, and I like your style. -But, also, why grab weapons? Jesus is the one who says he will bring swords..
MH - I can't judge the quality of what goes through my head. I can just put it out there for y'all to evaluate.

JYRA - I found it amusing how apologetic you seem to be in qualifying this post as within the boundaries of normative Judaism. I'm glad that for once I've found my self on the same side of the fence as my traditions. I by no means am attempting to usurp the traditional sources, just to view the world around me through the foundations I've been given.

Anon - Not sure why you're so quick to cry foul. It seems that you're bothered by the same thing as Sara, which I hope I explained in my follow up clarification. Bottom line - I don't think I espouse any of the views that you object to, so you can love me too. (And I believe the pen would be the opposite of Jesus' sword.)
In our Heimishe sheltered world, we still have a chance to get married and live a relatively stable marital life. But for all the other people on this world who can't the urges are still there!
Prag, let's not fool ourselves. The "urges" are just as pervasive in our "Heimishe" world. But our ideal model does provide a framework for channelling our normal desires into productive purposes.

Thanks Eshet!
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