Thursday, December 29, 2005

Caption Contest - Name the Simcha... Posted by Picasa

Okay, I'm no good at this, but it looks to me like a party celebrating the very first mega-size iPod. In a new color, too. Gold! This idea is posted purely for imitation. If anyone can make a catchy caption with that idea, you're welcome to it!
Looks like the Nobel Prize award to me.
Tailor, you definitely win. Masmida and Nephtuli, blah. Even if you don't have a funny caption, you can't help but be amused by a picture on a Norwegian newsite that looks like a reject from Onlysimchas.

What a kiddush Hashem!
Duh, it's Zayde Yankel's 85th (kineinehara) birthday simcha, he should live and be well.
I like Zayde Kineinehara!
That's sweet Josh.. How's life in Chicago??
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Tailor - shoot, I really didn't think that far ahead...

Tanisha - still cold, even when the sun's out...
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