Saturday, September 09, 2006

Free Tickets to the Gun Show

I like to think I'm a pretty Tznius guy. I don't wear skirts, but that's probably a good thing. I think the concept of recognizing our modest place in the world is prominent to a Jewish lifestyle. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't leave my house without a jacket on. I also feel bad about driving a "flashy" car. OK, so I may not be so modest on this blog, but in general I try and walk humbly before Gd.

So it was with embarassing irony that I got nailed this Shabbos in a moment of laziness. I was staying in an apartment in Washington Heights, but I slept with another friend one floor directly above. After getting ready for bed, I decided that I wanted to grab an extra blanket from my suitcase in the apartment below. I was already in my pajamas, but it was after 1 am, so I figured I wouldn't run into anybody on the way down. Both apartments were right on the staircase, so I figured even if anyone went inot the hall, I could duck back into the apartment before anyone saw me.

But Tznius isn't about being seen by people, but living in front of Gd. So the time of night really had nothing to do with it. But I was lazy. I slid down the stairs, and all was quiet. I slipped into the other apartment, secure in arriving at my halfway point unseen. I closed the door to the apartment, and turned to get my suitcase, only to find myself face-to-face with with two girls and a guy, who were sitting in the living room talking.

They weren't there when I left the apartment half-an-hour ago. But I knew two of the three, and hadn't spoken to them in awhile. So I found myself catching up with old (fully dressed) friends while I tried to look casual in my underdressed atire. I was hardly naked by most standards, but for a guy who always has his belt lined up with his shirt buttons, I certainly felt exposed.

Today's lesson - always remember that there is an Eye watching.

Ooh Josh, I'm going to have to pull up those high school wrestling photos I've got tucked away somewhere
Josh -
You are the man and it's great to see you; the over-the-broken-boombox-and-onto-the-broken-furniture lunge to give me a hug was very impressive) but nota bene: hatzneia leches im Elokecha doesn't just refer to dress but to speech as well. Make sure your chevrah are bringing out the best in you, especially during Elul.
for the record i do have pics of you as tonya harding somewhere...or were you nancy kerrigan..either way you looked cute in a tutu :-)
Josh - I should just be grateful that anything you have is tucked away - and not out on display.

Sh - No need to share the story. I can fill in the gaps quite well using my very creative imagination. I feel much better now about my story. And just think of this really, really large eyeball, following you around everywhere you go. It swivels as you move, and never blinks. Aw, see? No more paranoia!

WWFF - Absolutely. I did make a great lunge. And you definitely are right about Tznius talk. Not just in the old dirty man sense, but in talking like a show stopper. Maybe NJ will be good for me in that regard. There is no Chevra.

Mrs - Took me awhile, but now I know who you are. Same person that found me after driving past my house, no? But don't worry - your identity is safe. Because apparently you have pictures of me in a Tutu.
josh - glad to hear that all is well and both our secrets are safe :-)
Yet another reason why Josh can't [and shouldn't] be left alone.

-your mom

You make me go hahahaha.

I love seeing you in pyjamas with your jew curls hanging in front of your ears. It's just so sexy.
you never know who's watching...
there's a seminary in Israel where the girls sunbathe on the roofs - which is fine, because you really can't see them - except the boys at a nearby Yeshiva found out if they lean way out their windows and crane their necks at a certain angle they can see the girls a little (this is only a problem at one of the dorm buildings). Should the girls not sunbathe, or should they continue on innocently till one of the boys falls out their window?
Mrs. - By the way, I couldn't be more thrilled at how my blog has kept me in touch with so many people.

EC - It's a good thing it sounds like your friends were so cool about it. They could have never let you live it down. Or they could've taken pictures.

Eri - That was pretty much the category that inspired me to post this.

Bec - You can be my mom any day.

Dud- I thought that moment was just between us!

In - That was the funniest hypothetical I've seen in a long time. Such a dilemma! The question is, are the girls sunbathing hoping that there is a guy craning their neck? And where are the girls below, taking pictures of the would be peeping toms for their everlasting mortification? And where, may I ask, is this seminary?
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